Biased generation with agreeable plot

Around 30 years ago Internet started and has become an integral part of our lives today. Even older generation has become little tech savvy and quite active on social media. But, when it comes to reading or studying, they start telling stories as if it was 100 years ago. The Baby Boomers have for a long time believed that education with face-to-face classroom teaching is pristine. One wouldn’t get the same joy of learning via the internet. This perceived notion of the older generation about online learning feels like biasness towards their belief.

Today, internet has become ubiquitous. People across age groups and generations are spending time up-to 3 hours per day on their smartphones. Extension of knowledge whether it is with respect to culture, societies or religion, has been made possible because of the internet. Today, more people are watching videos and learning from them either it is cooking or programming.

Feeling the sense of empowerment brought by exposure to different formats of knowledge, people are opting for online education . This bring plethora of information at their convenience. To make this experience fun and increase stickiness, EdTech companies like BYJU’s, Mentee, Embibe are using technology in every format. For example, Machine Learning is being extensively used for gamifying the learning journey.

Mentee is working towards simplifying the learning via its uniquely designed analytics and ML based interactive platform, it uses adaptive learning mechanism to simplify & customize the learning content and improves overall learning experience of students.

Dynamics are changing rapidly, from not just increased time spent on reading online but also thought processes and way of learning. Today, 1 out of 3 college students is taking at-least one course online.

Here is a shout out to all the people part of this wonderful tide of online learning.

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